Celebration for the Booty

 Once everyone has re-energized with their drinks that were purchased with the newfound gold, a celebration will begin to rejoice in the collection of the booty!  Booty is the pirate term for gold.  Our festivities begin with a limbo contest!  The mates will turn on the limbo music to get everyone gathered around the limbo rope.  Round and round and round the boat they go, each child showing just how low they can go!  Challenge the mates on board to see if they can keep up with your little maties!  Adults are welcome to join in for the booty celebration as well.  Show us all just how low you can go!

After a winner has been declared, or once everyone has had enough in all the fun, the mates will declare it time for the members aboard the ship to cool off!  Little maties of all kinds will gather around the galley in order to see what activity will be handed to them next.  An epic water gun battle will ensue and the water cannons will be fired at any of the elusive enemies who get too close to our vessel!  Mates of all ages will be cooled off and participate in great fun as they chase each other as well as the mates aboard to win in their water gun fight.

Beware, however, of evil skallywags who may sneak aboard our ship and try to get into the captain's treasure and gold!  If this act happens while aboard the ship, then the captain has a special horn on board to detect just who this traitor may be.  All little maties will be asked to assist the mates and captain in detecting who this perpetraitor may be.  Once they are found, the skallywag will be thrown down into the dungeon where the lucrative One-Eyed Jack resides for all eternity.  Help our crew determine if the newfound skallywag is evil or simply made a mistake and wishes to be a good pirate from this day forward.  If he swears he be good, then all aboard will allow for departure from the dungeon.

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